June 21st, 2009 by dad
Last weekend Dorje and I took a break from killing baddies around the house, and went for a walk to the waterfall on Kasteelspoort.
I’d gone up along the previous weekend, and after the recent rains it’s been flowing quite strongly.
We started at the Camps Bay entrance to the Pipe Track. I wasn’t sure if we’d make it all the way up, and it wasn’t looking hopeful, with Dorje “tired” about 100 metres into the walk, and wanting to stop.
Luckily there were enough helicopters and mist and flowers just around the corner to keep him occupied. It also helped that, with the thick mist, we could hear the waterfall, but not see it.
Every flat-looking rock was an excuse to stop for a snack. And some not-so-flat rocks too:

After our lunch break we crawled off again. Just as it looked like we’d never make it, we heard some baddies coming up fast behind us on the path. Dorje charged off to outrun them. Leaving me in the dust (mud). Dorje ascended the last half of the distance in about 1/10th of the time he’d taken for the first half.
Out of breath, we made it to the waterfall, well ahead of the baddies.
Instead of sitting by the path, Dorje decided to climb a little higher, up the actual waterfall. Up he went, higher…

And higher…

After that walk, I’m not going to believe his “I’m tired” excuses anymore!
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June 6th, 2009 by MUM
Dorje tells me yesterday his name is THE MOST beautiful name EVA. But, a more beautiful name, which he has since adopted, is RAINBOW GLITTER
So now he is more affectionately referred to as RAINBOW GLITTER (:lol:)
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June 5th, 2009 by MUM
The BEST BEST thing about being a mum, is that kids remind us what really is important if we listen closely.
This morning we spent WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to long under the duvet covers having warm cuddly snuggles “being MOLES”. I LOVE LOVE LOVE giggles and cuddles, it feels like a fabulous day already (:biggrin:)
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June 1st, 2009 by dad
In the midst of all the killing baddies that seems to be the main activity Dorje and I get up to these days, it’s great to realise Ben-10 and Kung-Fu panda haven’t corrupted him for life, and to hear Dorje say I’m so full of love I love everybody, even baddies..
Since I’m in need of his wisdom, it had quite an effect on me.
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June 1st, 2009 by dad
Dorje, as with most five-year olds, is great at creating his own reality. A game could go something like this.
Dorje: “OK, you’re the baddie trying to catch me” (passing me a figurine, while holding one himself)
My figurine leaps forward onto his.
Dorje: “No, you can’t fly. You have to walk”
My figurine walks and catches his
Dorje: “No, there’s a shield here. You can’t get through”
My figurine goes round the shield and catches his
Dorje: “No, if you come this way I put on my Ben 10 watch and turn into 4-arms and knock you out the way”
My figurine goes around the shield the other way
Dorje: “No, if you come this way I put on my Ben 10 watch and turn into ghost freak and become invisible. You can’t see me”
Dorje’s figurine, invisible, leaps onto mine.
Me: “No, I have a shield this way”
Dorje: “No, you don’t have a shield”
Simple really. If something doesn’t suit, you just create a new version of reality.
Here’s another example. When drinking a smoothie, the smoothie was actually poison. At least it was poison for people, and fine for monsters to drink. So Dorje the monster, starts drinking. We’re doing something else and he’s not a monster – he’s a man. He should be dying. No, he’s a monster wearing a man mask. Shortly after he starts growling wanting to eat me. Now he’s a monster wearing a man mask. Wearing a monster mask.
It gets difficult to follow sometimes. But hopefully he’ll retain the ability to shape his own reality so effectively as he gets older.
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